Teacher at Lindbergh Flying School

Alberto Servienti teaches “Mathematics” to students of the 4th and 5th year of the Technical Institute of Transport and Logistics, at Lindbergh Flying School in Milan (http://www.lindberghfs.com/).

The Technical Institute of Air Transport and Logistics, “Lindbergh Flying School”, based in Milan in via Curtatone no. 12, began his school activity in 1984.
Since then, in the conservation of the didactic heritage and cultural tradition, the result of experience in the aeronautical sector, it professionally prepares young people who want to devote themselves to operational work in this field. Many alumni have been civilian or military pilots for years, others are involved in air traffic control as well as in meteorological offices.
The course of study is divided into a five-year period consisting of a first two-year preparatory period, a second two-year period and a fifth year which ends with a State Exam which confers the title of Transport and Logistics Expert.

The school also offers specialized courses for the main professionals in the sector (such as ground or ramp operators, hostesses and stewards) and allows you to obtain flight, drone and aeronautical English (TEA) licenses.
The title is valid for access to any university faculty, academies and jobs in the industries of the aeronautical sector. In addition, the title complies with all the activities provided for in accessing the competitions announced by civil and military bodies. Finally, ENAC (National Civil Aviation Authority) recognizes the Lindbergh Institute programs are useful for obtaining the FIS Operator License pursuant to art: II paragraph 9 of the ENAC regulation “Information Service Operator License Flight (FIS)”.

For the main subjects, the School avails itself of the collaboration of teachers from regular courses of the Academy and Civil Aviation. Transoceanic commanders, former Air Force Controlling Officers as well as civil Controllers who transfer their experience in the educational field by offering excellent technical background in the specific discipline that allows excellent professional training of students. (Source: http://www.lindberghfs.com/chi-siamo/la-scuola)